I write this letter with deep respect for your passion and commitment to sharing the message of the gospel with countless believers worldwide. Your zeal for ministry and the conviction with which you deliver your teachings have drawn the attention of many, particularly young Christians who seek guidance in their walk with God.
I have loved and enjoyed your teaching ever since I saw you preach many years ago at a Sisters’ Fellowship conference. The way you presented the gospel was truly inspiring. In fact, I even wrote an article based on your teaching from that time.
However, as a fellow believer and someone who is genuinely concerned about the spiritual growth of the body of Christ, I feel compelled to raise some concerns. It is not my intent to criticize or undermine your ministry, but to kindly ask you to reflect on the content and direction of your teachings, which, for many, have become a source of confusion rather than clarity.
Over the past few months, I have observed a growing trend where your teachings seem to diverge from the core truths of the Christian faith, leading many young and impressionable believers into a path that could be spiritually harmful. I would love for you to spend more time educating young believers, rather than focusing on discussing the fathers of faith and those who have laboured in the Christian faith.
The role of a spiritual leader carries a profound responsibility. As someone in a position of influence, your words and teachings carry weight, shaping the minds and hearts of young Christians who look to you for guidance. While it is important to challenge traditional views, it is equally important to ensure that these challenges are rooted in sound doctrine and aligned with the full counsel of Scripture.
Many young Christians are struggling to reconcile your messages with the broader teachings of the Bible, especially in areas concerning tithing, baptism, speaking in other tongues, ordination and the nature of the Christian walk. In light of this, I kindly ask you to consider the impact of your teachings on the younger generation. They are hungry for truth, and while they may be drawn to a message of grace, they also need to understand the responsibility that comes with being a follower of Christ. The gospel must be presented in its entirety—grace, faith, repentance, and a life dedicated to walking in the light of Christ’s teachings.
I believe you have the potential to guide many toward a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose for their lives, but that must come with a balance of biblical truth that nurtures both spiritual growth and godly living.
Please take this message in the spirit of love and concern in which it is offered. I pray that God continues to use you for His glory and that His wisdom will guide you as you lead His people.
With respect and in Christ’s love,
Pastor Chibueze Chukwu
Head, Cfaith Network
Every expert was once a beginner. Keep pushing forward, and one day, you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. Progress is always happening, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
Every expert was once a beginner. Keep pushing forward, and one day, you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. Progress is always happening, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
Watching a sunset over the ocean is one of the most peaceful experiences in life. Nature has a way of reminding us how small but connected we all are.
Consistency is key in fitness. You won’t see results overnight, but every workout counts. The small efforts add up over time and create real change.
Watching a sunset over the ocean is one of the most peaceful experiences in life. Nature has a way of reminding us how small but connected we all are.